Are you living

your life

by design, 

or default?



Maybe you feel ...


You've read all the self help books, listened to all the podcasts but you're still stuck in your old ways


You're ready to make changes so that you can just live life already and have fun!


You know the changes you want to make but you don't know how to get there from where you are now.

Let's talk. Book a free 30 minute consultation.

We are pushed by pain until we are pulled by a vision.


Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith

I help you learn how to rely on and believe in your own unlimited potential. I know you've experienced flashes of intuition and big thinking that has you wondering how far you can take it.

I'm here to help you stir that innate wisdom and self reliance that's already deeply instilled in your soul. I help you forge forward where the "old you" would rather get scared and hide.


Are you ready to move past blocks and barriers?

Are you ready for faster results?

Are you ready to go further and reach even higher levels of success?

Are you ready to LET IT BE EASY?


Let's talk



Transformational Coaching

Work with MariĂłn and learn how to turn your dreams into the reality of your life.


Whether it's a 10 minute talk, a keynote speech or a day-long workshop, MariĂłn will ignite your group.

Circle Singing

Spontaneous community singing through creative collaboration to make everyone sound good.


MariĂłn is a fearless musician, passionate speaker and a transformational coach.

Meet Marion!

As a little girl I was told I wasn't good enough. I believed them and pursued a career in business rather than music.

Decades later I decided to listen to my heart rather than the critical voices in my head, and became a cello teacher, music therapist, African drummer, choir leader and vocal improviser.

During a performance in Carnegie Hall, New York, that darn question popped up again. "Am I good enough now???" As if someone was gonna give me the green light forever.


That's when I realized feeling good enough is a choice. No outsider can (in)validate that. Life is an inside out job, not the other way.

You ARE good enough!!! With or without anyone's stamp of approval. No matter whatever performance you have or don't have on your resume. You simply choose to be good enough. Right here and now. And so it is.

I am on fire about helping people step into their power and claim their splendid authenticity, living life by design, not default. Let's dream big!



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Be Here Now - the Sacredness of Circle Singing

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The connection between singing and living life

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What happens on a life coaching journey?

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